
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Smart......or Crazy??

So I did something totally crazy today. I registered for the Cleveland marathon!!


I know it's only 2 weeks after Pittsburgh (it's on May 16th), but I got an email yesterday that the race is almost sold out. Besides, I'm already trained, and the half is already sold out so I can't run that. Jenay is running the half, so I have her to run the first 13 with, and my friend, Lauren, said she'd run it, too. We're just going to run it for fun and for the experience - NO TIME goals or worries. Plus, I wouldn't mind another medal! Haha! DSC01335.JPG

So, maybe I'm not crazy?? Maybe this is me being smart instead? Well, that's what I'm telling myself......

5 days stomach has been in knots all day today thinking about it.

Good night - off to watch the Biggest Loser with my Hubs!


  1. Not crazy- inspirational! You'll rock it!

  2. You are crazy... in such an awesome kind of way :) Hopefully I'll see you there!!! Good luck in Pittsburgh.

  3. Heck, what's another Marathon right.

  4. You are already trained! Go for it!

  5. That's amazing. Good luck this weekend!!

  6. Thanks, everyone! We'll see soon enough how crazy it is! Haha.......
