
Monday, April 19, 2010

Still sleeping

Have you ever used You can get gift cards for restaurants in the area for about half price, and I had a promo code for another 40% off, so I bought $100 worth of gift cards for $8!! Score!

I had heard great things about Amp 150 from Alicia, so I thought we'd give it a try. AND It just so happened that Tina had posted about Amp 150 the day before, so I mentioned we were headed there and she and her husband met us for dinner! It was nice surprise! Tina is just as funny in person as she is on her blog. She and her husband are a riot! We left the restaurant at 9:00, and J and I went straight home. I had to bake some treats for him to take to his family the next day, and then I headed right up to bed to get some rest for the 16 miler I had on schedule for Sunday morning. Check out Tina's post on what she did after dinner! Ha! I'm so lame............

I was up bright and early on Sunday (my guess is Tina was still in bed):


Please excuse the bags under my eyes, and my less than stellar expression. These early morning are HARD on me!

So, I met up with the group:


Lauren's friend's, Jen and Craig, are training for the Cleveland Half Marathon on May 16th, so they joined us to see how they would do. (btw, they did AMAZING and should totally train for a full marathon - they'd do great!)

We ended up losing Lauren about 3 miles in due to some tummy troubles, and she ended up having to run the rest of the time by herself. We all felt so bad!!!! But she insisted that we go on ahead.........what a trooper.....and dedicated runner!

At the turnaround:


Still looking good, right? We were feeling good at this point, too. However, my legs were starting to get really HEAVY on the way back. The last few miles were a struggle for me. Not sure why some days are so easy and others suck like this. I PRAY that Marathon Day is a GOOD DAY. In any case, we finished our run at an even 9:30 pace. We're definitely consistent, that's for sure!

J was headed out of town Sunday morning for a family emergency so I booked it home as soon as we were done and got home just as he was leaving. Check out what I came home to:



Though, who looks hotter:


Isn't he so lucky?? Haha!

Who wants to bet me that Tina was still sleeping at this point???? :)

Lol, love you, girl!


  1. Isn't the best?! You can't beat that deal! I hope you had a great time at AMP150 - seems like you guys did! Let me know if you want to go back anytime soon! I have some GC to use :)

  2. We have a bundle of gift certificates from that website we need to get to using! Such great deals. Great job on the run! I think you look fabulous ;) You and your husband are so cute :)

  3. Um, yeah, I'm pretty sure that I am ALWAYS still sleeping when you get up, but yeah, especially Sunday morning! I did drag myself to the zoo for Earth Day, but we didn't leave until 3pm! And you're not lame-I'm just out of my mind!

    I have to get on that bandwagon! $100 for 8 bucks! OMG. I thought I was a bargain shopper, but you just put me to shame!
