
Sunday, January 17, 2010

What the Fog?

Today was a typical winter Cleveland day: cold, wet, and dreary (can you please help me convince my husband that we should move to a warmer state??). Despite the weather, my day started off fantastic with banana pancakes. YUM! Then C told me he wanted to run with me, so I jumped all over it. Here are pics of his first 2 races:The first one was taken last summer during a 1 mile kid's fun run at the city park. I was so proud of him - he ran the whole mile and never quit (and check out that finish!). The 2nd race was the Thanksgiving 5k Turkey Trot we did in my husband's hometown near Pittsburgh. The race had crazy hills that we CRUSHED!

Today was a little different, as it was freezing, slushy, and C wanted to take the pup. So the 3 of us suited up and took off. We ran a mile, and I'd by lyin if I said there was no complaining for those 12-13 mins. BUT he finished strong, and that's what counts! Here we are:
Check out that mad fog!

After we got back, I grabbed my iPod and took off for my 5 mile run. I averaged a 9:23 pace, with my last mile being 8:49! That's FAST for this girl. Trust me, this body is not built for fast running. Despite the cold temps, I felt like I could have kept going - I felt pretty darn great! My hips are now bothering me a bit, but they normally get sore when I first start running regularly again. On that note, I'm off to spend some time stretching these old lady hips. I think foresee some frozen yogurt in my future, too!!

Peace out!

1 comment:

  1. You should definitely move some place warmer!!! Then I could vacation there:)
