
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Crazy Cleveland Weather

Good morning!!!

I hope it's as nice wherever you are as it is in Cleveland today!

Though I wish I could say the same for yesterday. Only in Cleveland does the weather go from this:


To this:


In less than 2 hours.

C's game started at 1:00, and as I started my walk down to the park it started to drizzle. When I was almost there, the thunder had begun, and the rain was coming down. Obviously the game was on delay.


This was the first game of the season and first time C was playing in the "big leagues". The team definitely needs some work, but they'll get there.


By the time the game was over it was hot and muggy!


Poor C looks like he got his Mama's sweat genes, huh? :)

And this guy was SPENT by the time we got home:



He's in for a surprise once it finally gets hot around here.......

I went for a short 2 mile run this morning, and J and I are planning a bike ride for this afternoon. Can't wait!

Have a great Sunday everyone!


  1. Way to go C! He loooks like a little professional. I think this is the first time I've seen your fur baby. What a cutie! It's always cracked me up when dogs let their tongues hang on the floor!

  2. Gotta love this town: I swear I opened and shut my windows in my house 5 times in an hour so that the downpour wouldn't get inside. My dog thought I was nuts, and I think he was mad that he didn't have fresh air access for those moments! Your pup looks like mine when it gets hot here - I have to get Grady shaved/cut down ASAP!
